Formal Zen meditation is called Zazen. It’s what you see monks doing. It’s a powerful workout for the mind. I have practiced it for more than half my life. But Zen is very simple, unless you complicate it. Because Zen is reality. Zen is always present. It’s the miracle of everyday life. You can tap into it any time.
Here are some ways:
- Find a quiet space
- Look at 5 things around you
- Name them in your mind
- Look at each one for at least 1 minute
- Smell 4 things around you
- Smell each one for at least 30 seconds
- Touch 2 things around you
- Feel their texture
- Feel them for at least 1 minute each
- Sit comfortably
- Listen to 5 things around you
- Breath down to your stomach
- Keep listening for at least 5 minutes
Where was your mind? The state it was in when it was really experiencing where you are is Zen.